Sunday, October 18, 2009

NIH Human Participant Protection Training

Here is the link to the NIH Human Participant Protection Training. We will talk about this assignment in class on Thursday, October 15. Please be prepared to write a 2-page analysis/critique of the program by early next week (probably Tuesday, October 27). You can find the training program here. You will need to register before you can take the training session.

The guidelines for your brief critique (critical analysis) of the training are:
- Keep the length to no more than 1 typed page.
1. make a claim about training and explain what this issue is and why it is important.
2. what are the implications for researchers given your claim?
3. what are the implications for human subjects given your claim?
4. what are the implications for research in general and its benefit to the public?
5. add a conclusion- short- that reinforces or at least summarizes your point.